Category Archives: A to Z Challenge 2015

Bountiful Beets

When I used to think of beets, I thught of the red canned ones that we added in little strips to salads or to make into Harvard Beets for the holidays. Then I discovered the taste of freshly cooked beets.  There are so many other uses and other types of beets that can make this vegetable a real star in your meals.

Like many of our foods, beets originated in the Mediterranean region and North Africa and were cultivated by ancient Greeks and Romans. Originally, they were grown primarily for their leaves, which can be chopped and cooked into greens or eaten raw. It wasn’t until the 14th century that eating the bulbous root became common. By then the root had developed from a thin, parsnip-like shape into the rounded vegetable we now know.

When it comes to the taste of the beet, it is a “like it or not” personal preference. The beet has an earthy taste that comes from geosmin, a substance that also yields a sweet spring scent when it rains. This is more prominent in the red beet while the golden beet has a much milder taste. As with eating most vegetables, the freshly prepared vegetable usually tastes better than a canned version.

Other uses for beets have included beet sugar, a beet alcohol and red natural dye. As soon as you cut a red beet, it will immediately begin bleeding a red juice that can stain your hands, any material near it and anything else that comes in contact with it. A picked eggs recipe uses the water that red beets are cooked in to dye hard boiled eggs red. This recipe from All Recipes uses canned beets, but could be made with freshly cooked beets. For low carb, be sure to use a sugar substitute in place of the sugar.

I didn’t use to be much of a beet fan, but as I grew older and tried Harvard beets, I discovered the flavor was better than I remembered it.  Incidentally, I once red that people’s taste buds change every seven years and I have seen a steady growth in the number of foods that I now enjoy that I didn’t use to like, so maybe there’s some truth to it.  Once I tried fresh beets, I became a real fan. I just recently found Chiogga beets at my grocery store for the first time and picked up a few. These are small red and white beets with circular rings of each color inside.

Here are a couple of recipes from this site that use beets in their preparation. They can be used in surprising ways.

Amazing Chocolate Beet Cake 
Short Ribs with Root Vegetables

Nutrition Information for 1 cup beets
   Calories: 59 Fat: 0.2 Net Carbs: 9.2 g Protein: 2.2 g

Want to know about the health benefits of beets? Visit The World’s Healithest Foods.

References for this article include The History Kitchen,  Love, Aggie Horticulture and The World’s Healthiest Foods

Top Photo used with authorization from Wikipedia: By Beet man (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Awesome Artichokes – an Ancient and Strange Vegetable

I grew up eating artichokes,. In my house, as in many houses, the only way to eat them was to boil or steam the artichoke, peel off the cooked leaves one by one and dip them in either mayonnaise or a small bowl of melted butter with lemon. Delicious. Then when you got to the heart, you just savored the creamy, richness of it.  But there are many recipes that use artichokes and I will be exploring more of these over the next year.

What is an artichoke anyway? Where did it come from and who on earth decided to eat this thorny-looking plant? Well, we can blame the Romans and the Greeks and just about anyone else in the Mediterranean area. In Rome, a variant of the vegetable called a cardoon was native to the area and widely enjoyed by the people in the region. While the plant was originally a wild species, the Greeks were cultivating it in the Classical period. By the 9th century, globe artichokes were grown around Naples. The vegetable spread across Europe and in the 14th century, the Dutch introduced it to the English court. It was grown in Henry VIII’s garden at Newhall. But it wasn’t until the 19th century that the artichoke arrived in America, traveling with the French to the New Orleans area and the Spanish to California.

The artichoke itself is a fierce-looking vegetable with a globe shape that can grow several inches in length. Each of its triangular leaves wrap around the heart or the center bottom of the vegetable and they are tipped with a sharp point. It also produces a beautiful purple flower, which makes it attractive in an ornamental garden.

When it comes to eating an artichoke, here are the key things to remember.

• Most of the vegetable is edible.
• You need to trim off the spiky points before cooking.
• The lower part of the leaf is the meaty part and is best scraped off with your teeth.
• Savor the tender leaves at the center that are covering the choke.
• Don’t eat the choke. It’s the fuzzy center of newly developing leaves and it pretty much will choke you if you try to swallow it.
• Do eat that lovely lump under the choke, which is the heart and is the real prize of the artichoke.
• Part of the stem is also edible so long as it is tender.

Preparing the Basic Boiled Artichoke

This is the method that both my family and PK’s family used.  It is very much like the Romans prepared it long ago.

To prepare to cook the artichoke, begin by placing it on its side on a cutting board and use a sharp knife to cut across the top quarter of so of the leaves to make a flat top. Then use kitchen shears to trim the rest of the leaves down about ¼ of the way to remove the spikes and the tough part of the leaf.

The simplest way to cook an artichoke is to put on a pan of water big enough to submerge the whole artichoke. Bring the water to a boil then add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water, a little lemon and a teaspoon or more of garlic. Put the artichoke into the water with the stem bottom down in the pan. They may float to the top, so push them down and turn them often while cooking. Boil until a fork inserted in the bottom goes in and the leaves pull off easily.

Remove the artichoke and drain it in a colander, then prepare your dipping sauce. The basic one is mayonnaise, plain or with a little lemon. I added a bit of cayenne pepper the other night. You can also melt about 3 tablespoons of butter and add a ½ teaspoon of lemon juice to have a wonderful sauce. Or you can just pour some Ranch Dressing in a small bowl and dip the leaves in that. Many options work, so experiment around.

Artichokes are easy to share as an appetizer as two or three people can easily pull leaves and dip. When you reach the choke, use a spoon and a knife to cut under it and remove it. Then slice the heart into pieces and enjoy.

Nutritionally-speaking, the artichoke is good news for a low carb lifestyle and it is so good for your health.

Nutrition Info for one medium artichoke (about 3 “height from the base)
   Calories: 60.2 Fat: 0.2 g Net Carbs: 6.2 g Protein: 4.2 g

Artichoke Trivia

Here are few interesting bits about the artichoke.

• In 2012, Worldwide production yielded 1,634,219 artichokes.
• The top production of artichokes was in Egypt with 387,304.
• The United State is ninth on the list of top growers with 51,300, but almost all of the US commercial crop is grown in California.
• Castroville, California is the self-proclaimed “Artichoke Center of the World” with over three-quarters of the artichokes grown in the U.S. coming from there.

References for this article include: Wikipedia, California Artichoke Advisory Board, and

A to Z 2015 April Challenge Theme Reveal

Today is the theme reveal for Skinny Girl Bistro for the 2015 A to Z Blog Challenge.  For those who don’t know anything about this madness, the idea is to blog every day except Sunday through the month of April on a theme.  The blog entries have to be at least 500 words, so they may be short but the challenge for me is to make them interesting and informative.  So what is my theme?  Well, of course, it’s food!  Specifically, I am going to attempt to discuss a food each day of the challenge that begins with the challenge letter.  I hope to introduce you to some vegetables and possibly fruits that you may not have eaten before and also give you a little bit of background about the food and why it is beneficial to your life style.

This may include a few simple recipes or ways to prepare the food, so it will be fun and an exploration for all of us.   Please come along on this trip and while you’re at it, explore some of the other blogs that are on the A to Z challenge.  They are covering many topics and are sure to be interesting.  So, the first actual blog for the challenge will be on April 1st and will run through Saturday, skip Sunday, then back again on Monday through Saturday of the month.

All of my blog posts on this challenge will have the colorful button below so you’ll know it ‘s part of the A to Z Challenge.  This is going to be so much fun!