E-Z Bake Bacon Tip

In case you’ve never heard of doing this, baking bacon is a great way to cook it.  I just wish I’d learned this trick earlier in my life.  You don’t need one of the fancy bacon stands either.  Here’s how I do it.

I use an old jelly roll pan (look at thrift stores for one of these) and a metal cookie rack.   (I use one from the dollar store).  The rack fits in the jelly roll pan easily.

Preheat the oven to 385 degrees F.

Arrange the slices of bacon across the cookie rack as shown.  Bake for about 20 minutes in the oven.

The bacon comes out crisp, flat and not greasy.

The bacon grease is on the bottom of the pan.  Remove the bacon when it cools, then let the pan cool down.  Put a coffee filter or a strainer over a can or jar and strain the grease through to save your bacon grease for cooking.  Easy.

Originally POSTED BY RENE AVERETT AT 9/25/2013 6:52 PM