Tag Archives: Franz Keto White

Bread is the Word

Hey, guys, we all love bread, don’t we?  Especially when it comes to French toast and sandwiches. Low carb bread has been a challenge for years. I actually have a pretty tasty bread roll recipe and it’s great for burgers and other sandwiches. While it makes a nice small loaf, it doesn’t rise as high as I’d like. And it’s not white bread, but more like a wheat one.

With the upswing in Keto as a diet, everyone has gone Keto-happy, which is good news for all low carb eaters and diabetics. Many more products are coming on the market to help us keep our carbs down. Today, I’m going to talk about two of those products.

Scotty's Keto BreadThe first is Scotty’s Zero Carb White Bread mix. At $12.95 for a package to make one loaf, it is a little pricy. I bought it and made it up according to directions. This is a yeast bread and you add your own while mixing, put it in the bread pan, and let it rise for two hours. Then you bake it and get a nicely browned white bread loaf.

I followed the directions, put it in a small loaf pan, and let it rise. It didn’t make a very tall loaf, about three inches high, and not nearly as tall as the one of the package. See for yourself.

Scott's bread backed from mix

The actual dough is weird, sticky and stretchy, but not like regular bread. You put it in the pan and smooth the top as much as you can. The end result is a nicely formed loaf with good texture. It tastes okay, but seems like it’s missing something in the flavor. Now, I admit, it’s been a long time since I last ate white bread, but I think it had more flavor than this did.

French ToastI did make French toast with it, but it didn’t absorb the liquid very well, so it lacked the flavor you expect.

Overall, I rate it about three spoons. It’s passable, but not worth the asking price.

Pre-made White Bread

Franz H

The second bread is also white bread, but this one is already baked for you. You can get hamburger and hot dog buns as well. This is Franz Keto White and it looks, smells, and tastes like white bread, I believe. Like I said, long time since I tasted regular white bread. Not only does this look and taste like bread, but it toasts, makes French toast and other food that requires bread. Good for a grilled cheese sandwich also.

French toast made with Franz Keto Bread
Toad-in-a-Hole (American version) made with Franz Keto Bread,






The buns are perfect for regular burgers and hot dogs or sausages. I also use them for sandwiches sometimes. The regular bread is standard size and zero net carbs. Hard to beat that!

At $26 for a two-loaf pack, they aren’t inexpensive, but it includes shipping and has about 17 slices of bread per pack. The bread can be frozen and thawed as needed. Let’s face it, anything with Keto on it is going to cost. This is my choice for white bread.

The hamburger and hot dog buns also come in two-packs for about the same price. Each pack has eight buns in it. Each bun has 1 net carb. Hard to beat.

I rank these at five spoons out of five. They’re that good.

One other note. While these products are high priced compared to regular bread, they are specialty breads. I figured out how much it costs me to make six low-carb rolls from scratch from my recipe and it comes out to about $8.50 a batch, and I use several different flour ingredients in it. To make a loaf about the size of the Keto White Bread would use double the amount of ingredients, so about $17.

My reviews reflect my opinion of the product. I am not receiving any rewards, payment, or product for reviewing. I bought the products and am leaving my honest review.