Tag Archives: low carb recipes

Super Simple Fruity Dessert

I wanted to get this low-carb-adjusted recipe for Clafoutis up before Easter in case there are a few of you out there wondering what to serve for dessert tomorrow. I have taste-tested this over the past few days using three different flour options – Carbquick, almond flour and coconut flour. I’ve also made it with raspberries, blueberries and peaches (with pecans) just to see how wonderful it would taste with each. Traditionally, clafoutis (klafutee) is made with fresh cherries, but for a low carb option, those cherries are just too high. My brief research said that this dish made with other fruit is actually called flaugnarde (flaonard, I think). Whichever name you use for it, call it delicious!

Although a bit like a souffle, it is very easy to make. The fruit is layered on the bottom of a buttered dish, a cream egg and flour mixture poured over it, then baked. The flour forms a tender pancake-like crust with a layer of custard below, surrounding the fruit. Put a little whipped cream or a scoop of low carb ice cream on top and it’s a light, wonderful dessert. I even had one for breakfast and it was great.

Raspberry or Blueberry Clafoutis

Giving credit where it is due, I first saw this recipe on All Recipes web site from Chef John. I simply adapted it for low carb and for two people. The full flour version for 6 people is on their web site. Having said that, I’d also note that this is a traditional French recipe.

This recipe works wonderfully for low carb flour, such as Carbquick or LC foods or Bob’e Red Mill baking mix. It doesn’t work as well with coconut flour. See the coconut flour recipe after this one to use it.

1/4 cup blueberries or raspberries
3 tablespoons heavy cream
3 tablespoon water
3 tablespoons sugar substitute
2 tablespoons low carb flour or almond flour
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or almond extract
Tiny pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees (F.) Butter two 1 cup ramekins.

Divide berries into ramekins, spreading evenly.

Blend, or beat with a whisk, cream, egg, sugar, salt, flour, water and flavor extract until the batter is smooth. Pour over the berries and gently shake each ramekin to remove any air bubbles.

Bake until puffed and the center is set, about 25 minutes. Cool until the egg custard deflates, then serve warm with a tablespoon of whipped cream.

Peach Flaugnarde

Peach Flaugnarde made with coconut flour.

If you use peaches, use only about three slices per ramekin (1/4 cup total for both) and about two tablespoons of pecans. It will be a little higher in carbs than either raspberries or blueberries (about 5 nc).

Makes 2 servings
Nutrition Info:
Calories: 175 Fat: 16.1 g Net Carbs: 3.7 g Protein: 5.3 g

Coconut Flour Flaugnarde

This coconut flour version of Clafoutis, which I am calling by its more proper name of Flaugnarde, does not set up the same way that the Carbquick and almond flour versions do. It makes more of a creamy fruit bread pudding instead of separating to give the custard layer. It is still delicious but with a slightly different taste. Because coconut flour relies entirely on egg to get any rise, it uses one more egg, It is amazing how little coconut flour it takes to achieve wonderful results because the flour absorbs so much liquid.

Raspberry Coconut flour flaugnarde – look at the pretty color! And it tastes as good as it looks.

1/4 cup blueberries or raspberries
5 tablespoon heavy cream and 5 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons sugar substitute
1 tablespoon coconut flour
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or almond extract
1 teaspoon butter, softened
Tiny pinch of salt

Preheat oven to 425 degrees (F.) Butter two 1 cup ramekins.

Divide berries into ramekins, spreading evenly.

Blend milk, egg, sugar, flour, egg and flavor extract until the batter is smooth. Pour over the berries and gently shake each ramekin to remove any air bubbles.

Bake until puffed and the center is set, about 25 minutes. Cool until the egg custard deflates, then serve warm with a tablespoon of whipped cream.

Makes 2 servings

Nutrition Info:
Calories: 257 Fat: 21.8 g Net Carbs: 4.8 g Protein: 7.7 g


March Means Mint Cookies…

… and St. Patrick’s Day, St. David’s Day and my birthday… but that’s another story. But hey, I do share my birthday with the Girl Scouts and when you speak of Girl Scouts…

For many years I was a devotee of the Girl Scout Mint Cookies, something that I haven’t had in over 4 years now and I do kind of miss now and then. This mint chocolate cookie isn’t like those GS cookies, but they are pretty darn good, if I do say so. The mint isn’t super strong and you can add more if you’d like yours a little stronger. The cookie dough is also easy to pat flat to make the crust for a Shamrock Mint Pie or any other pie that might want a chocolate crust. You can leave out the mint if you’re using it for a pie that doesn’t call out for a mint crust.

Mint Chocolate Cookies

1/2 cup Butter
1/2 cup Sugar Substitute
1 tablespoons Water
1/2 cup Sugar-free Chocolate Chips
2 tablespoons Cocoa Powder
1 Egg
1 Egg White
1 1/3 cups Low Carb Baking Mix (like CarbQuick or Bob’s Red Mill)
2 tablespoons Coconut Flour
2 tablespoon Vanilla Whey Powder (optional)
1 teaspoons Baking Powder
1/4 teaspoon Salt
1 teaspoon Peppermint Extract

In a saucepan, cut the butter into small pieces, add sugar and water and cook and stir over medium heat until melted. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate chips and cocoa powder until melted. Set aside to cool for 10 minutes

Meanwhile, mix the baking mix, coconut flour, whey powder and salt together. Whey is optional but adds a nice texture as well as a bit more flavor to the cookie. If you don’t use increase the coconut flour by one tablespoon.

To the chocolate mixture, add the peppermint extract, egg white and egg and beat with a spoon until smooth. Add the flour in batches, mixing it in. When all the flour is mixed in, cover the pan and put into the refrigerator for about an hour to get firm.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray a cookie sheet with baking spray or use a silicone mat and spray it. Roll cookie dough into walnut-sized balls and place on the cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Or you can press out to about 1/4 inch thick and use a cookie cutter to make shaped cookies.

Bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Cookies should look a bit dry but won’t be very brown. Under baked is better than over baked with these cookies.
If desired, you can press a sugar free mint chocolate candy into the cookie before it cools or you press a pecan into the cookie before you bake it to add a bit of nut to it.

To use this for a pie crust. Use about 1/2 of the dough for each crust. Spray the pie tins with cooking spray, then spread the dough evenly in the bottom using your fingers. Set in the refrigerator to firm up for about 1 hour, then bake in the oven for about 10 to 15 minutes until the crust looks done. Let cool before filling with your non-cook pie filling. Great for icebox or freezer pies and cheesecakes.

Makes about 2 dozen cookies (varies with shaped cookies) or 2 pie crusts

Nutrition Info:
Per cookie (assuming 24):
Calories: 72.5 Fat: 5.4 g Net Carbs: 1.5 g Protein: 2 g

Per Pie Crust (assuming 2 per recipe):
Calories: 870 Fat: 65.3 g Net Carbs: 17.3 g Protein: 24 g


Valentine Candies Without Any Guilt

What would Valentine’s Day be without chocolate candies in the mix? But you don’t want the calories and carbs of candy from the store. You can make some easy and very good candies at home to satisfy that sweet tooth or to give to your special person and then swipe a piece.

I have three recipes here that are all low carb. Two of them have a cream cheese base. All of these candies will keep in the refrigerator and may be frozen. They will not set up to hard in the ‘fridge so expect them to be a little gooey or freeze them to keep them hard.

Chocolate Raspberry Candies

This was a recipe that I found that evolved as I worked with it. Rather than putting it in molds, I made the candies drops. Very simple.

5 tablespoons unsalted butter
2 tablespoons coconut oil
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
2 tablespoons sugar-free raspberry syrup
1/2 cup confectioner sugar substitute
1/2 tablespoon cream
20-24 pecan halves, walnut halves or almonds (optional)

Prepare a baking pan with waxed paper.

Combine butter, oil, cocoa powder and syrup in sauce pan over extremely low heat until it reaches chocolate sauce consistency. Stir in powdered sugar and cream and mix until it thickens enough to drop. As it cools it will get thicker.

Using two teaspoons spoons, get about 1 half a spoon of chocolate and use the other spoon to push it onto the paper into a mound. Repeat with the rest of the chocolate. You can place these within an inch of each other. When all the candies are down, go back through and press a nut half on each candy, making it a little flatter.

Put in either the refrigerator or the freezer to set up. Will keep for at least a couple of weeks in the refrigerator.

The recipe should make 20 to 24 candies.

Nutrition Info per candy (24):
Calories: 13.2 Fat: 1.5 Net Carbs: o.1 g Protein: .1 g

Pomegranate Cream Cheese Chocolates

This is a lovely, fruity chocolate that uses pomegranate syrup or unsweetened pomegranate juice for the flavor.

2 oz. Cream Cheese
2/3 tablespoon Butter, unsalted
2 cups powdered Sugar substitute
2 tablespoons sugar free pomegranate syrup or juice

Chocolate topping
1/2 cup sugar free chocolate chips
1 teaspoon cream
3 drops of liquid sucralose

In a small bowl, cream together the butter and cream cheese. Add the pomegranate juice or sugar free syrup. Gradually mix in powdered sugar to make a stiff batter.

Put a sheet of waxed paper on a baking sheet. Spoon candy mixture onto the wax paper, about 1/2 a heaping teaspoon at a time. Use a second teaspoon to slide the candy off the spoon and onto the waxed paper. Use the spoon to shape the candy if necessary.

When all candies have been done, set in a safe place to dry for about 24 hours. You can cover them with another sheet of waxed paper, but the more air they get the quicker they will dry.

The tops should be mostly dry after they’ve dried overnight. Use a small, thin spatula to carefully turn each candy over so the bottoms can dry. If they are dry enough, the candy will lift easily from the waxed paper and shouldn’t leave more than a slight smear of cream on the paper. If they are too moist, let them dry longer.

Let the candies dry two more hours, then put them in the freezer to get very cold. They should be in for at least two to three hours. When they are very firm, prepare the chocolate topping.

In a small microwave bowl, such as custard dish, put the sugar free chocolate chips, the cream and the liquid sucralose. Put the dish in a small soup bowl and add enough water to come part way up the side of the custard dish. You don’t want to get water in the chocolate. Put the bowl in the microwave and cook on high for 20 second. Stir the chocolate to mix and make sure it is melted. If it isn’t smooth or completely melted, microwave another 10 seconds.

If you prefer, you can melt the chocolate in a double boiler. If you do put 3/4 of the chocolate in the double boiler with the cream and melt it. Remove the top pot and stir in the sucralose and the rest of the chips. This will melt the newly added chips and also cool down the chocolate.

Working quickly, dip each candy in the chocolate so it is half-covered or use a spoon to ice half of each candy with chocolate. If the chocolate sets too much before you are done, then microwave it for 10 seconds and continue.

Return the candies to the refrigerator to set up completely, about an hour. You can then transfer them to an air tight container or plastic storage bag until you are ready to eat. You can set them out for about 15 minutes before you serve them to soften or just eat them chilled.

These will keep in the refrigerator for about a week. Makes about 28 candies.

Nutrition Info per candy (28):
Calories: 30 Fat: 2.3 Net Carbs: o.5 g Protein: .2 g

Cream Cheese Mocha Candies

This is a less sweet candy with a taste of coffee and a bit of bourbon or rum to add a subtle underlying flavor. Like the first candy, it features a nut on top, which is optional.

This easy to make candy combines cream cheese, chocolate and coffee for a delicious mocha flavor. It’s quick to make up but need a few hours to set in the refrigerator or freezer.

4 oz. cream cheese
1/2 to 3/4 cup sugar free confectioner’s sugar
1 teaspoon espresso coffee powder
2 tablespoons powdered cocoa
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon bourbon or rum or hazlenut sugar free syrup
1 tablespoon coconut oil
2 tablespoons butter
24 pecan or walnut halves or whole almonds

Soften cream cheese, then add powdered sugar and mix to a creamy consistency. Use closer to the 3/4 for a sweeter, firmer candy. Add in the remaining ingredients and mix well with the beaters.

Prepare a cookie sheet with wax paper. Using two teaspoons, drop about 1/2 teaspoon of mixture on the paper. It should be about the size of a candy kiss. Repeat with all the mix. You should have about two dozen candies.

Press a nut half or whole nut into each candy. Set into the refrigerator or freezer to get firm. If the candy doesn’t firm up in the refrigerator, put it into the freezer.

Nutrition Info per candy (24):
Calories: 37.8 Fat: 3.9 Net Carbs: o.3 g Protein: .6 g


Celebrate Chinese New Year with Almond Cookies

These top off a great Chinese meal with just a touch of sweetness and almond flavor. At only 1/2 carb each, they make a great ending to the meal or a nice snack in the afternoon. I’ve adapted them to low carb using my favorite low carb flour, Carbquick, but they will also work well with almond flour and any other low carb flour. If you’re not using a baking mix flour, add 1/2 teaspoon baking powder to the dough. Do not use coconut flour with this unless you’re experienced with using it. This recipe calls for lard, but you can also use butter.

Chinese Almond Cookies

1 1/2 cups sifted Carbquick, almond flour or other low carb flour
1/2 cup white sugar substitute
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup lard or butter
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon almond extract
24 whole almonds

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Prepare a cookie sheet by spraying lightly with baking spray.

Mix flour, sugar, baking soda and salt together into a bowl. Use two knives or a pastry cutter to mix in the lard until mixture resembles cornmeal. (You can also use your fingers to do this.) Make a well and add the egg and almond extract. Mix together, then mix in the flour until it is combined well. The dough will be stiff.

Roll into 1 inch balls and set each ball about 2″ apart on a cookie sheet. Flatten cookie a little and press an almond into the center of each cookie.

Bake 12 to 15 minutes until the edges of the cookies are a golden brown.

Makes 24 cookies.

Atkins Phases 2 to 4

Nutrition Info per cookie:
Calories: 64 Fat: 6.1 g Net Carbs: .5 g Protein: 1.5 g


My Take on Atkins Pumpkin Spice Brownies

I love pumpkin and I love chocolate, but I had never tried mixing the two together. To be honest, it didn’t sound too appetizing, so when I saw Atkins’ recipe for Pumpkin Swirl Brownies, I was doubtful, but they looked delicious in the photo and I decided to give them a try. They were delicious, really. Of course, I didn’t make them exactly the way their recipe said. For one thing, the recipe made almost three dozen of them and that was way too many for just the two of us. So, I adjusted the recipe down and also added some pecans to the top. Some of my ingredients may have changed a little, too. To check out Atkins original recipe, go to this link.

Pumpkin Spice Brownies – Small Batch

1 oz. Sugar Free Chocolate Chips
1/4 cup unsalted Butter
1/2 tablespoon Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1/2 cup powdered Erythritol (like Ideal sugar substitute)
2 large Eggs
1 large Egg White (or 1/4 cup liquid egg whites)
1 Teaspoons Vanilla Extract
2 tablespoons Coconut Flour
1 tablespoon Vanilla Whey Protein Powder (optional)
1/8 Teaspoon salt
1/2 Teaspoon Ground Cinnamon
4 Ounces Cream Cheese
1/3 Cup unsweetened Pumpkin Puree
1/4 Cup granular Sugar Substitute (sucralose)
1 Teaspoons Pumpkin Pie Spice
1/4 cup chopped Pecans

Preheat an oven to 350°F. Grease a 6×6-inch pan with cooking spray..

Put the chocolate chips and butter in a medium bowl, then microwave for about 20 seconds and check to see if completely melted. Run another 10 seconds if it is not . Add 10 seconds at a time until completely melted. Blend the chocolate and butter together then add in the cocoa powder and powdered sugar substitute and continue to blend until smooth. Add 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 egg, egg whites, salt, protein powder (if using) and the coconut flour. Whisk until incorporated. Set aside.

Using a hand blender cream the cream cheese with the sucralose or other sugar substitute in a small bowl. Add the egg, pumpkin purée, pumpkin spice blend, cinnamon and 1 teaspoon vanilla; beat until smooth.

Spread 2/3 of the brownie mixture into the prepared pan. Then pour the cream cheese mixture over the top. Drop the remaining 1/3 of the brownie batter by spoonfuls over the cream cheese mixture and then take a knife and gently swirl the layers together. Sprinkle pecan chips on top of the brownies. Bake for 30 minutes until a tooth pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Allow to cool before cutting into 16 pieces. (4×4 = 16 – 1 1/2″ square pieces)

Serve at room temperature. Store in the refrigerator in an airtight container or plastic bag for up to 1 week if they last that long.

Note: The original recipe called for Baking soda, but it doesn’t add anything to the recipe. It doesn’t work on coconut flour, so I omitted it and added an extra egg white, which does give an extra lift to the brownie.

If you want to use almond flour or Carbquick instead of coconut flour, then increase the amount to 1/2 cup. Coconut flour expands 2 to 3 times its volume with liquid absorption. Add the 1/2 teaspoon baking soda when using Carbquick.

Nutrition Info per brownie:
Calories: 78 Fat: 7 g Net Carbs: 1.3 g Protein: 2.5 g